This week, ANATEL informed the OCD’s committee that it will no longer allow the renewal of certificates that have been expired for more than 180 days (6 months).
The Resolution 715 published in 2019 says:
“Section VII – On the Suspension and Cancellation of the Certificate of Conformity
Article 52. The suspension of the Certificate of Conformity applies in the following cases:
I – the interested party fails to make the necessary adaptations to the certified product as determined by the amendment or issuance of Technical Standards applicable to it;
II – the interested party fails to comply with the clauses of the follow-up contract for periodic product evaluation or for the maintenance of the manufacturer’s Management System, established with the Designated Certification Body, after the product has been certified for telecommunications;
III – the interested party uses the Certificate of Conformity to disclose product characteristics that were not evaluated;
IV – the interested party uses any form of promotional dissemination of the certification that could lead third parties to believe that a product different from the one actually certified has been certified;
V – failure to maintain periodic certification of the product under the conditions established in this Regulation for more than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days or until the Maintenance verification, whichever occurs first;
VI – by determination of Anatel, when irregularities related to the certification of the telecommunications product are detected; or,
VII – at the request of the holder.
Article 53. After 180 (one hundred and eighty) days of the suspension of the Certificate of Conformity, if the non-conformities that caused the suspension are not corrected or if no justification duly accepted by the Designated Certification Body is provided, the Certificate of Conformity must be canceled.”
Although this restriction is specified in ANATEL’s resolutions, until now, ANATEL had not enforced it and had not canceled certificates that had been expired for several years. We have successfully renewed many Certificates of Homologation (CoHs) that were expired for over 180 days without any issues. Consequently, this new enforcement stance has caught everyone by surprise, including the OCDs.
For certificates expired for more than 180 days, it will now be mandatory to submit a new project application, including new testing and a new ANATEL ID number.
For ongoing renewal projects that OCDs have already been contracted for, ANATEL is currently evaluating whether to accept their renewal. We will keep our clients updated as soon as a final decision is made by ANATEL.
For more details, click here to open the Resolution 715 from ANATEL website.
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