E3Tech Newsletter nº 089 – Anatel New Resolution No. 772 (January 16, 2025)

Resolution 772 is a new standard issued by ANATEL on January 22, revoking the old Resolution 759. It came into force on February 03rd, 2025. This standard is the plan for the assignment, destination and distribution of frequency bands in Brazil, which defines the application and services intended for each frequency band in Brazil, analogous […]

E3Tech Newsletter nº 086 – Intending to phase out 2G and 3G technologies.

E3Tech Newsletter Last week, ANATEL issued the new Act 14430. This Act is the final standard after Public Consultation No. 36/2024 that proposes to obligate new products to not operate only with 3G technologies or lower, for an eventual shutdown of 2G and 3G technologies in Brazil in the future. The new standard will be […]

ANATEL – ACT NO. 14430, OF OCTOBER 07, 2024

THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GRANTING AND RESOURCES FOR THE PROVISION OF THE NATIONAL AGENCY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, in use of the powers conferred on it by article 156, VI of Anatel’s Internal Regulations, established by Resolution No. 612, of April 29, 2013; CONSIDERING Anatel’s powers conferred by Items XIII and XIV of Article 19 of Law No. […]
