THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GRANTING AND RESOURCES FOR THE PROVISION OF THE NATIONAL AGENCY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, in use of the powers conferred on it by article 156, VI of Anatel’s Internal Regulations, established by Resolution No. 612, of April 29, 2013;
CONSIDERING Anatel’s powers conferred by Items XIII and XIV of Article 19 of Law No. 9,472/97 – General Telecommunications Law;
CONSIDERING the delegation of powers granted by Anatel’s Board of Directors to the Superintendence of Granting and Provision Resources through Ordinance No. 419, of May 24, 2013;
CONSIDERING Article 22, paragraph 2 of the Regulation on Conformity Assessment and Approval of Telecommunications Products, established by Resolution No. 715, of October 23, 2019; and
CONSIDERING what is contained in the records of process No. 53500.088281/2023-44;
Art. 1 To include new sub-items numbered 4.4 and 4.5 to the Annex to Act No. 3151, of June 12, 2020, with the following wording:
“4.4. The certification of modules or final products classified as Personal Mobile Service Access Terminal Station that are compatible only with 3G or lower technologies is not allowed.
4.5. The modules or end products classified as Personal Mobile Service Access Terminal Station with the capacity to establish voice calls must be supported and enabled to operate with VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology, including emergency calls, and to exchange SMS over IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem).”
Art. 2 To include new sub-items numbered 4.5 and 4.6 to the Annex to Act No. 3152, of June 12, 2020, with the following wording:
“4.5. Certification of mobile phones compatible only with 3G or lower technologies is not permitted.
4.6. Mobile phones must support and be enabled for the establishment of voice calls through VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology, including emergency calls, and for the exchange of SMS over IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem).”
Art. 3 Equipment compatible only with 3G or lower technologies, approved before the entry into force of this Act, may carry out the maintenance of its certifications in a habitual manner, without the need to adjust its technical characteristics to the requirements approved by this Act.
Art. 4 This Act enters into force on April 6, 2025.